English -> 35/50 (A2)
Chinese -> 67/100 (B3)
Chem -> 26/35 (A2)
Math -> 36/40 (A1), ALC test unknown
IHC -> 8/20 (E8)
Physics -> Target A2
China Studies in Chinese -> Target B3
MSG this way abt 3++.
It screwed is not.
Labels: realLife
我这个人只知关于电脑界的消息,就去了Endgadget的中文网站。有“新闻价值”的篇章没有多少,就选了“吓死人,盖茨一下放出N多蚊子!“, 因为一位我(其实还有很多人也一样)把当成恶魔的人竟然做了有意义的事。
基本上,篇章报导说微软(Microsoft)的前老板比尔-盖茨(Bill Gates)出席加利福尼亚州举办的科技、娱乐和设计(英:Technology, Entertainment and Design. 短称TED)大会时在会议现场放飞了一群蚊子,为了就是强调疟疾的危害性。他使台下的听众感到惊恐,担心了一分钟。过后他才向听众保证,他放飞的那些蚊子不携带疟疾病毒。过后作者还支持“比尔大叔”的举动,说因为他走上了慈善的道路,即使释放了臭虫也没关系。我个人认为比尔-盖茨那么做又幽默又厉害,能用这样的示范强调疟疾是个严重的问题。他说得对,疟疾不应该只有穷苦国家的人民拥有。虽然他释放的蚊子并没有携带疟疾,但对在现场的听众是蛮可怕的。eBay的创始人皮埃尔-奥米迪亚尔(Pierre Omidyar)都被吓得说他再也不会坐在前排了。但是,有如篇章的其中一个回应里说到,“凭什么穷人失业了就当被蚊子咬了一下,富人被蚊子咬一下就当失业那么恐怖”。这反映到现在的聪明人太没有胆子了。
Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 9:58pm
叶哲佑(英文:Ryo Yap, 1994年至2009年),
意思 :形容表面安全,却对某团体或个人有害的人物或东西。
创造来源 :2008年轰动全球的三鹿牛奶事件。
Lolwut. Its in code. And sorry if there are any encoding errors.
Current status: Still Alive
Well, between my last update and this, quite a lot has happened.
I am still using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex (only now I regularly try to correct myself that it is U-bun-tu not U-ban-tu). Waiting for 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope to be past alpha and beta. And I use this for my desktop unless in corporate situations.
I got a $12 2GB thumbdrive. Not big news, but I feel like an antique now that the last time I got thumbdrives were when they were over $100. Yet again, not as antique as the time when a 15MB HDD cost USD2500. And then, I hate the issue of GiB and GB. Somehow I never trust size labels anymore, unless they are in bytes.
I played World of Goo (Demo). Linux version. Just released yesterday. Completed the demo levels (Chapter 1 out of 4) today. Listening to soundtrack now. I will buy it.
Liferea does not rock very much. But it is ok. Pidgin segmentation faults now and then. But I have LogServ and F_GBot.
Homework is surprisingly fine. Except for maybe some which is hard to figure out by myself.
Teachers are ok. Most are fun. At least for now.
Touch-typing skills improved. Now for 99.999% accuracy instead of 90%. And I need to type CSC notes more quickly.
Ranted a bit on iSpark PSG Group on Facebook.
Classroom decorated with the 3 posters (total $10) I got at some Bookfair. Class Rep also helped by adding a Haruhi one and a Death Note one, but did not help by adding a Bleach one.
Juniors this year are OK. For now.
Clannad AS roxx. Haruhi (both Season 2 and the -chan) lagging is not.
Why am I writing in such short sentences?
My rundown...
The scene was rather good. Was damn lol that the place was where I had my SMP briefing. Had to register as photographer lol...
Arrows indicate highlights. From the left edge, its a) HALF of a huge (think shiehls) C.C. b) Its some Michael Jackson style trap. c) Carillus and his cap drawing SDM
Note that the C.C. is most likely what will happen if she really eats too much pizza. The RL one was really eating loads. Lucky for people who didn't go, you saved yourself some scarring.
财神到! Its in season but ombwtfbbq. I have no idea who is that beside the fortune god.
It was fun to see this. Except for the Mikuru...
We were about to leave when I saw umbrella. Then like WTF.
All my other pics were fail. There was Miku but not that malaysian one who was at Cosfest'08 and AFA'08. There was the kagamines and they looked damn shota/loli.
SDC was fail except for SWS so I not gonna go any further than this.