I think i have not introuduced myself properly yet. Lol at the Cosfest hurriedness
I am the Shun Git that my classmates write about. I never bothered to know what they wrote about me so i hope you have the correct idea about me. But then i wouldn't bother.
I am leeching off Edward's blog because I had one last time, but aparently I found myself not the blogging type. I feel better randomly coming out and ranting then hiding again.
Which brings me to my display name. Well, i have been through quite (not exactly) a history of names online. The "random" series started this year. I think there are many people out there having a similar name online. A stunning revelation is that i have not really played much stuff, and that my interests change too quickly. A fixed username will not do. So a function to generate a random name will do.
- name: mrprony, prony (2005-mid 2007)
- Places used: G-Masters Forum, Instrucatbles.
- the history of that is not about Pr0n as you might think. It came from Harry Potter. The Maruders, I and 3 buddies decided to use the names. So one became Padtail, another Wormfoot, and Prongs + Moony = Prony apparently.
The "mr" came from Mr Brown. my class was rather crazy abt it.
apparently i did not really get many new accounts from mid 2007-2008. so then came the random series. somerandomguy was the only one yet.
I think that is enough of me for now.
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