
It would seem that I have left here, after getting my own foothold, but anything too Ani related will still appear here. The reason I did not put the 5 cm post here is because that was my (very short) review, of which WeiRong did his here already.

And Ed, please crop and resize your pics! How many times must I repeat myself...

5 centimetres per second

I actually bothered to watch it but I don't think I regret it.
I did my normal researching on Wiki, and apparently the director (Makoto Shinkai) is the same one who did Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. dots. But the art was damn nice and I sat through the not too extraordinary plot. Just for the amazing art. VLC lagged a bit though.


Lol he programs on a Mac. From what I see it is PHP with database (MySQL) manipulation. What detail.

Do I see "Windows Vasta"? Dots.

Finally, if anyone is looking for Japanese fonts, here would be a good place. I suggest the Moon font (bottom of 1st page). It is rather nice, even for the alphabet.

And no, I did not play Little Busters yet; so, sorry to disappoint anyone. I think I don't really like visual novels. Maybe to improve my Moonspeak, but not now.


For almost 1600 years in the Common Era (or Anno Domini), mankind had not much change. Between each generation were just subtle changes, either a paradigm of some sort. Then came the Renaissance, of which exploration of new ideas away from the Church started the first few scientific discoveries.

Science improved as time went on, and at the start of the 19th Century, Radio was invented. Long distance communication which was fast and readily available was here. Ideas that were kept to oneself were spread easily. Of course, it took a while before idea spreading rather than fact spreading was done long distance, but I would attribute the start of long distance communication as the Current Era.

Then of course, there was the internet which more people attribute to the spread of ideas. I have no qualms about that, but the internet would not have been formed so quickly without primitive long distance communications.


NJRC is next week and I'm still slacking by writing this. Uguu~

And I just found out that I can't go back to base to align.

That would be the mission map. We need to go from base, pass those 2 cylindrical things, knock the 3 "pillars" down, and pass all 6 zones in order. What every single team is complaining about are the waters, which are simply Lego bricks glued onto the board (unruffled has 1 layer of bricks, turbulent has 2). And the layout is like that:

Isn't that fun? Everyone dieded, so all had to use big wheels and cross over them.

The presentation robot was pinched (of which by the way pinch is a more proper word than "kope") from last year's Legged Sumo bot. Which is fun since it moved at such a dramatic pace that we could have gone to the toilet and back. I modified the design a little, and i got something.

kk enough of this. I sian liao.


There are too many things waiting to be said, but this seems to be something important.

It would too be past, but isn't that what life is about?

Freedom of thought and expression is hypocritical. At least for the people who fight for freedom. Since you want people to be free to think about anything, shouldn't they be allowed to think that freedom is wrong and be allowed to tell others so?

Flexibility is hypocritical. If you have to be flexible, adapting to whatever that comes by, shouldn't being inflexible be included in the "properties" that are covered by flexibility? You need to be flexible, and flexible enough to know when to and not to be flexible. Fun?

It would seem that this is basically 2 specific examples of the perils of self-reference. But as these are concepts, ideas, it would be hard to make it not such.

Not imposing my opinion on you would be hypocritical too, as by spreading the idea you would indirectly be imposing the opinion that an opinion should be imposed.

Arrgh. If anyone asks how I spend time away from the computer, this would take up about one-third of the time. Thinking about all these logic stuff is really fun, interesting and time-killing.


I guess it is as with creating anything, naming it may sound simple but not really so.

Most introduce themselves with their name first. I think I want to do so for this blog.

de-void (adj.)
Completely lacking; destitute or empty

It is not the opposite of void (unlike incline and decline). So it would mean that this is supposed to be useless. It would be.

I really did not want to start a blog, already co-authoring one. But for some reason I feel like being in control of the ship instead of just being like a navigator.

So here it is. there is nothing useful here


Well, it seems like a nightmare learning chinese now for some people, but i have a pretty good explanation why.

We are too damn old. Yup. Old. 12 is middle aged already.

For non-Singaporeans (of which i suspect there are none reading this), I am sorry but you just have to be slightly envious.

First, let me come up with a few talking points. Refer to here, here and here.

That is one nice guy. His rants are awesome and i suggest you look beyond these 3 posts.

Now, what I want to highlight. See how much difficulty they have with syntax and grammar? Indeed I would agree that unlike English, we didn't have much grammar based testing.
For people who have been listening to it for long, it would make perfect sense. It would be the same for any language. Get immersed in it from young, you will be zai.

Even for such a chinese noob like me, Joel or Edward, I think we still face less problems actually facing syntax oddities or errors. They can't take an oddity without struggling first. We did, but it was during the first learning years.

That is why NAND, diodes, TX stick movement, the 60+ digits of pi and the slip-knot for yoyo never really left me although i did not touch it again until recently. Cubing was rather recent. I would really like to see my speeds after many weeks of not practising. And i can't seem to take any more PLLs in. Point? Start learning everything you had wanted to learn from young. Fat lot of good, especially for those old enough to even read what is here. Anything learnt after secondary school isn't really going to be as permanent as bike riding.

nvm. no one understands anyway.

[EDIT] kk. One full explanation. from http://www.ctcfl.ox.ac.uk/Chinese/grammarlist.htm

Use of the 正 在 V 着 O 呢 zhènzài V zhe O ne sentence pattern

This sentence pattern indicates that an action is under way. Note that some of the elements of this pattern can be omitted: all the following sentences mean he is watching TV. [But with slightly different highlight or connotations!]
1. 他正在看着电视呢 tā zhèngzài kànzhe diànshì ne full version
He is now looking at the TV leh (sorry couldn't find a better replacement)
2. 他正看着电视呢 tā zhèng kànzhe diànshì ne without 在 zài
He's now looking at the TV leh (the 在 is techincally part of 正在)
3. 他在看着电视呢 tā zài kànzhe diànshì ne without 正 zhèng
He is looking at the TV leh
4. 他正在看电视呢 tā zhèngzài kàn diànshì ne without 着 zhe
He is now watching TV leh (notice 看 and 看着 are rather different)
5. 他正在看着电视 tā zhèngzài kànzhe diànshì without 呢 ne
He is now watching TV
6. 他在看电视呢 tā zài kàn diànshì ne without 正 zhèng and 着 zhe
He is watching TV leh
7. 他看电视呢 tā kàn diànshì ne without 正 zhèng , 在 zài and 着 zhe
He watch TV leh (yes, this sentence is not really used around here.)

NDP post lol

Posting while watching the NDP. How patriotic...

ZnT Season 3 is a dissapointment for now. Eps 4 and 5 have been mostly fanservice, and if I count the first scene of the first ep, I dunno how much that is already. I am not saying that there wasn't any fanservice in the previous 2 seasons; All I am saying is that both of the eps provided no plot at all. Maybe Tiffa joining the school contributed slightly, maybe something else that I have missed, but there is really nothing new.

Will seriously consider the iNite proposal. Dragging LiKi and Glendon in would be the biggest challenge, but practicing it would be the crux after that. Who would take the postiton of Haruhi, Yuki and Mikuru? The Kyon and Itsuki could be taken by those 2 since I would want them to come in later.

Different things for those 3 are as follows:
Haruhi - Pushing Yuki and the 360 spin.
Yuki - Not smiling, getting pushed by Haruhi.
Mikuru - The "jikan no hate made Boon!..." part.

Also note the part just before the chorus on how they go back to their original positions. That is why we cannot be "everyone" and stay in that one spot for the dance. We need to move accordingly to the roles. That is why much practice will be needed.

See how much techinical study is put in? How much there is to co-ordinate the thing? And what good excercise that will be. Never say that dancing sucks.

for those who are really lazy, these are the videos to mug:

Good Luck.


SHnY went pretty well. Even the parts that would warrant a "screen cover" pre-NHK is simply laughed off now. I am not intending to spoil it, but after Itsuki said his stuff it was prettey hard not to explain certain things. Basically they now have the knowledge that Haruhi is God. I shall re-iterate the 3-years point.

And lol at ZnT II ep4 today. I was slightly surprised that Zhou.MY did not bother to look up.

Sola would also be a good choice. 12 (or was it 13?) eps isn't too long. Most likely it would be after Lucky Star, as Konata needs to be explained. Minami-ke would also be a good choice.

Ichigo 100% and Strawberry Panic would prolly never make it, but if it ever gets to that stage I do not know to rejoice or worry. Bible Black would be the one that takes the cake, if I can even get my hands on it in the first place. Then they would understand true hentai.

How to DL youtube videos

I decided to release a tut for newbs who use video dl services like keepvid. What happens when they are down? You don't even need them at all.

First you go to the video page.

If there is random stuff behind the ?v=[whatever], delete them up to and including the first "&". for this it is the red part. Then, change the "?v=" (blue) to "/v/". click go or hit enter.

The URL will radically change. Change the blue part to get_video. Removing the red part is optional, only when you are free. hit enter or go

Just save. It would have no extention and you cannot change the name yet. After it is done, add a ".flv" to whatever name you gave it. This format can be watched with RealPlayer, VLC media player, and other random freeware players.

To convert to avi or mpeg, use ffmpeg. The windows libraries are at http://ffdshow.faireal.net/mirror/ffmpeg/

more help can be found online, thus I know i wasted 10 minutes doing this.

Puru Puru Pururin~

Puru Puru Pururin~ I think I got addicted to that song. Ask them.

The stuff on the noticeboard is printed, do not fret.

I also intro the book Little Brother. A really good read.

I wonder why the school actually bothers about hair length. The school refers to both students and non-students. I do not think that hair of any particular length should be worth worrying about. Also, the bigger joke is that Dr. Hon asked a few sec4s to summarize the message. I expect their compre summaries are not bad.

I think what the student poopulation wants to avoid is a) Full Botak. b) Going to the barber too often (excluding those who family members cut their hair (incl. me)) c) Instances where the hair is a *bit* (the non-sarcastic version) too long, and the student gets caught.

Now, which do you think is the cause of the proposed change?

Of course, the school also wants to avoid certain things. a) Haruhis (pre Kyon's remark). Having short hair really inhibits creativity. b) Konatas. But who would like to sit on their hair if not for cosplay? c) People who think emo (aka. Eye wiper), mohawk (aka Broom), long back (aka Lion), PCK style (aka Afro) and other miscelaneous hairstyles I can't even imagine.

I do not think that i should have bothered writing this, but if the bickering over small matters continues then in the name of Haruhi please wipe them off. I belive in freedom, but this is not in my Bill of Rights. Hair length, sock length, Uniforms, I do not care. Even if they ask us to wear Seifukus, is good for cosplay. Even if they ask for Soccer length socks, they keep the horrible cold out. Even if they ask for a full botak, my mum can cut it.

Chibi is a much more appropriate nick than chib*i, which I feel has no relation. Chibi is very fitting for his erm... vertical development, and is easily a mondegreen of his name. I shall end insults here. He is simply the one who got arrowed to do dicipline because of his eagle eyes. Do you think that shiehls would be the one? Chewty is also not bad, but he can't manage socks and buttons at the same time. I suggest another teacher help him.

Finally, I decided to do a bit of random googling. I searched randName, and indeed, a mountain of links went to programming related sites. one led to my blogger profile.



Finished screening NHK. Good.

The next would probably be SHnY. I can also rewatch to mug the Jap vocab.
Either that or Lucky Star, Rozen Maiden or SnS. the problem with the latter 2 is both have 2 seasons, and the last has 24 for each season. Would take a few weeks to finish.

I have done some more to intergrate the anime life into school. Now the class noticeboard has the SOS Dan Logo and a white L (in Old English Font). Yay. Planning to put the Haruhiism logo, the "Torch" and Cotycus (the thing Alastor is in) from SnS and maybe a "Raki Suta" logo. Or just rip the whole thng apart.

More could be performing Hare Hare Yukai and teh phat lewt Lucky Star OP (dance duh) during iNite. Will seriously consider as my class is unlikely to do anything.
Could drag Glendon, Shiney, Shawn and LiKi (yep THE LiKi).

Could do that crossover that that group did during Cosfest '06 (I think called SOS Dan). They did the HHY Chorus moves to the chorus of Motteke! Sailor Fuku. Pwnt.
