NJRC is next week and I'm still slacking by writing this. Uguu~

And I just found out that I can't go back to base to align.

That would be the mission map. We need to go from base, pass those 2 cylindrical things, knock the 3 "pillars" down, and pass all 6 zones in order. What every single team is complaining about are the waters, which are simply Lego bricks glued onto the board (unruffled has 1 layer of bricks, turbulent has 2). And the layout is like that:

Isn't that fun? Everyone dieded, so all had to use big wheels and cross over them.

The presentation robot was pinched (of which by the way pinch is a more proper word than "kope") from last year's Legged Sumo bot. Which is fun since it moved at such a dramatic pace that we could have gone to the toilet and back. I modified the design a little, and i got something.

kk enough of this. I sian liao.