The newest kid on the block is out. Google Chrome, the new Open Source Web Browser Project. View more here.
Apparently I would consider this useful, so the blog name already seems shaky. Nevermind. It is still in Beta, but after using it for a while it doesn't seem bad. Even for someone who is still reluctant to use FF3 (except for my portable FF).
I see a few IE related dependencies (Proxy settings etc.), but many features overflow so much you don't notice. The tab bar is right on top, no window bar in the way. There is "incognito mode" where nothing is tracked on your com (which of course means that anything on the server side is ignored). All new tabs are new processes (of which I have detected as I have a system sound (a short chirp) for a program opening. Imagine what it sounds like when my com boots up). It fires up almost immediately, though I haven't played with it enough to feel the true increase in speed.
It is cool. I just need to wait for the portable version and it will replace my FF3 Portable. It probably won't ever replace FF on my desktops, until I see extensions come out.
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