
Danbooru (だんボール, from だんボールばこ or cardboard box) Imageboards are win. However, browsing through them is a nightmare. RSS feeds can help a bit. I did a bit of poking when getting them, and found that you can actually subscribe to multiple tags...and I dun have an account for nuts.

1) Grab the main url (For a list of Danbooru-like boards, see here)
e.g. http://danbooru.donmai.us/ or http://moe.imouto.org/

2) attach "post/atom?tags=" at the end
e.g. http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/atom?tags= or http://moe.imouto.org/post/atom?tags=

3) Find what tag combo you want, via the cheatsheet searching guide (Its available for the other boards too but its the same anyway)

4) Add a "+" between each tag
e.g. rating:safe+~shakugan_no_shana+~zero_no_tsukaima+~toradora (for the tsundere freak, sfw)
e.g. suzumiya_haruhi*+-kyon+rating:explicit (for haruhi H without Kyon)

5) whack the string from step 4 to the end of step 2
e.g http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/atom?tags=rating:safe+~shakugan_no_shana+~zero_no_tsukaima+~toradora
e.g. http://moe.imouto.org/post/atom?tags=suzumiya_haruhi*+-kyon+rating:explicit
(they actually work ok...)

6) Put that url in your RSS reader. Then you are done! Unless you want further mashup via Yahoo! Pipes (that was how I found out about the ?tags= hack anyway).

Another oxymoronic productivity tip brought to you by randName();