
Innovation and Creation are inherently different, I believe.

It is well known that many programmers can never do media design. I think it is more of an epic lack of ability to create.

We can comment on whether a webpage design is good or bad, but never come up with a design ourselves.

We can say if a photo is nice (to a certain extent, I have made mistakes before) but can never come up with that shot.

Even for code. I find it hard to start with a blank page. I need to refer to past code, and actually copy and paste it into the program. Then I edit. For all the times that I actually code something from scratch, I would need to sit and think for at least half and hour, forming the routines, drawing out flowcharts etc. Then I can start translating that into code.

Ok. Endrant

Btw, chromium alpha updated. Apparently they added a GTK+ theme, but it was a sore sight.