
For the lack of something that I think is better to do, I have decided to edit r9k in lieu of elearning.

1) Put announce_status() in its own sub. Done, but its called r9k_status()
2) announce_status() whenever someone joins. Not doing, will redirect to 3)
3) !r9k will include status, or PM 'status' Done, but without !r9k trigger
4) Start using variables in regex. So that i can just do "blah blah ^n blah blah" and replace ^n with the nick etc. Done. Stripped chars, pm passwords and allowed triggers moved to variables.
5) Change the mute time based on repeated offences. Like the real Robot9000.
6) Hash based one-time-use remote passwords.

Other Changes (excluding those associated with 4):
a) Everything output to the channel via the script is prepended with "Robot9000: " to avoid confusion when I'm talking instead.
b) Status change now includes reasons (via Xchat, via PM, quit, reload).
c) punishes differently for empty strings/strings with whitespace.
d) punishes for "!r9k". now the only legal r9k triggers are "form [nick]" and "help"
e) Default answer for PM when r9k is off is "r9k is off".
f) Timeout help text moved to variable.

TODO 5 and 6 will prolly come very much later. New version here :