r9k todo

In order to keep my own promise that I will not touch R9K unless a bug appears (but it seriously addictive), I shall make a todo so that I know what I would have done.

1) Put announce_status() in its own sub.
2) announce_status() whenever someone joins.
3) !r9k will include status, or PM 'status'
4) Start using variables in regex. So that i can just do "blah blah ^n blah blah" and replace ^n with the nick etc.
5) Change the mute time based on repeated offences. Like the real Robot9000.

UPDATED: 6) Hash based one-time-use remote passwords.

In fact, the main differences between my script and the real Robot9000 is that mine can only be on when I run Xchat, and that I use a (actually a few) flat file database instead of a real database with SQL. But hey, its just for entertaining friends.

I wonder when I will think it enough to put it up in official script repositories.