Yet again...

Due to us working harder to get the key, I am here on a foggy Sunday

When entering the Bird's Nest last week, I was held back for a while because of my pliers. I still have it by the way.

Great Wall was fun. Nothing much to report though. Just that the very steep part was extremely best.

Zoo was yay. Panda. Didn't bother with Zoo plaza.

Its fun when you find Tengoku. Its more fun when you find many different Tengoku all in one place.

ZhongGuanCun(中关村)is that place. In Singapore's terms, it has at least 5 SLim Squares, 2 SLim Towers and a Sunshine Plaza.

When I arrived, I found myself getting off on the wrong end of the street. Nevermind as I walked on.

I had a set of directions to HaiLong Center. Walking there took about 20 mins, but along the way the names of the buildings looked fun.

As I had no interest in consumer electronics, I was going over to a building which I saw "LED" pasted all over.

On the way, a building caught my eye. 中关村国际动漫城

Woah. 3 floors of worthy stuff ain't that bad... The top (6th) floor was a “动漫主题餐厅”. I did not enter for the mere reason that I thought it be a maid cafe, and the food would burn my wallet.
The 5th floor was about 7 KKnMs. I havent got any loot from there, but I saw a Mikuru figma for 210RMB. There were also Oppai mousepads, including Furukawa Nagisa. The 4th floor was about the same too.

Then, I went over to the place for LEDs. 1 for about 0.30RMB is not bad. I got 10 of each of the 5 colours.
There were also laser modules for 10 RMB. I got 5. LDRs were also 0.30RMB.
I also had 4 LED matrixes (8x8) for 6RMB each. Obviously I tested them on the spot with my VOM.

The weather is getting better, air-con ish.

My magazines are heavy. I dunno if they will make it back.

Youtube is accessible with Tor.

Yet again...


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