
Danbooru (だんボール, from だんボールばこ or cardboard box) Imageboards are win. However, browsing through them is a nightmare. RSS feeds can help a bit. I did a bit of poking when getting them, and found that you can actually subscribe to multiple tags...and I dun have an account for nuts.

1) Grab the main url (For a list of Danbooru-like boards, see here)
e.g. http://danbooru.donmai.us/ or http://moe.imouto.org/

2) attach "post/atom?tags=" at the end
e.g. http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/atom?tags= or http://moe.imouto.org/post/atom?tags=

3) Find what tag combo you want, via the cheatsheet searching guide (Its available for the other boards too but its the same anyway)

4) Add a "+" between each tag
e.g. rating:safe+~shakugan_no_shana+~zero_no_tsukaima+~toradora (for the tsundere freak, sfw)
e.g. suzumiya_haruhi*+-kyon+rating:explicit (for haruhi H without Kyon)

5) whack the string from step 4 to the end of step 2
e.g http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/atom?tags=rating:safe+~shakugan_no_shana+~zero_no_tsukaima+~toradora
e.g. http://moe.imouto.org/post/atom?tags=suzumiya_haruhi*+-kyon+rating:explicit
(they actually work ok...)

6) Put that url in your RSS reader. Then you are done! Unless you want further mashup via Yahoo! Pipes (that was how I found out about the ?tags= hack anyway).

Another oxymoronic productivity tip brought to you by randName();

Something totally off

I feel this has nothing to do with any of you. But I don't know where this is going so I'm just going to post this anyway.

"Elevon" Mixing Logic for microcontollers.

To make sure those who understand are relevant people, I shall keep to jargon as much as possible. I do not guarantee that relevant people will understand though.

For this, I would be using 1 stick, as for me I am running 2 motors like an RC car.

Basically, you would need to get the max/min values for when the transmitter stick is up/down/left/right. For each channel, you just need to read the pulse length at the receiver end (at least for Futaba receivers).

After getting the values, get vmax=[difference of top and bottom]/2 and hmax=[diff of left and right]/2. Also get voffset=[whichever is bigger, top or bottom]-vmax*2 and hoffset=[whichever is bigger, left or right]-hmax*2

Ok let me sort out the representation of the values before completing.

[update]: Basically you take the sum of the values of the stick and limit them. Think about how the left and the right are supposed to move in each case, sooner or later you will get it.


I almost thought I had to change my blog name. Then I remembered that none of you would find this useful in the near future.

Simple shell scripts, and I hope by doing so I am repaying the community which has nurtured me.
But then again, I still got info from many places, including here.

All the below require libnotify (for notify-send, but its already on 9.04 anyway)

Fortune v2 (added timeout depending on text length)

/usr/bin/notify-send -t $((1000+300*`echo -n $fort | wc -w`)) "Fortune" "$fort"

Reminder (change remind_icon and say_on_every to whatever you like)
msg=$(zenity --entry --title=$rem --text="Task to remind")
tim=$(zenity --entry --title=$rem --text="Time to wait")
say_on_every="Ding Ding Ding, time is up."
espeak -a 200 -p 90 -s 155 -k10 -w ~/remind.wav "$say_on_every $msg"
notify-send -i $remind_icon $rem "Reminder set for $msg in $tim"
(sleep $tim && notify-send -i $remind_icon $rem "$msg" && aplay ~/remind.wav) &

ReadThis (requires xclip. Reads from Text Selection buffer)
stuff=$(/usr/bin/xclip -o)
if (!$stuff)
espeak -a 200 -p 90 -s 150 -k10 -v m4 -w ~/espeak.wav "$stuff"
notify-send "Saying" "$stuff" & aplay ~/espeak.wav

Yayzors. My exp increased by 5. 95 moar to next level. For full documentation request plox.


After getting slightly more pissed than normal, I finally decided to find a solution...It was quick, no later than 5 minutes from my initial search was I already led to this.

being random, e-learning was "fun"...

being even more random, I finally learnt about /usr/bin/notify-send and is having fun with /usr/bin/fortune

I wrote up a small script for fun:


/usr/bin/notify-send "Fortune" "$fort"

Anyone knows how to improve it, please comment.


I realised something. I get angry when people somehow wreck what I have spent much effort to do. So to eliminate most of that kind of anger, I don't work so hard for things that I won't want to put effort in...

Also, I don't know why I found this and why I am putting it here but let me just do.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Kyon – 170cm
- Suzumiya Haruhi – 158cm
- Nagato Yuki – 154cm
- Asahina Mikuru – 152cm
- Koizumi Itsuki – 178cm
- Asakura Ryoko – 160cm
- Tsuruya-san – 160cm
- Taniguchi – 170cm
- Kunikida – 166cm

The cake is a lie...

...and so, I let 25/5/2009 slip past me just like that.

Recollecting the past year, I did a lot of firsts.

First time I went to an animu event (Cosfest'08), of which would mark my frequent trips to such events (STCC'08, AFA'08, SOYA'09).

First time I queued up for very long (STCC'08) to get a free gift.

First time I went Pulau Ubin (OBS).

First time I installed Ubuntu on a Laptop.

First time I joined a Line Control competiton, got a 3rd for Gas.

First time I queued up for very long (AFA'08) to get tickets.

First time I got a figma (Kyon), which was at AFA'08, which would mark my growing collection.

First time I used NXT for a robotics competition (FLL).

First time I chased an Anime on TV (ZnT3) and on teh Netz (Clannad AS).

First time I juggled in front of a crowd I didn't know (CIP).

First time I took a plane (BSC), gone over 900km/h ground speed etc.

First time I lived in dorms for an extended period of time (BSC).

First time I had school on my Birthday, and that I was relatively well (I still had slight flu)


That is the title of SHnY 2009 ED, if you were wondering. No dance ftw.

HHY was obviously superior, but this was good too. So let me try very hard to pretend that HHY did not exist.

First thing, the flashing was irritating. Can cause seizures...
They put the characters in, but I don't think most noticed they were moving till the Haruhi one.

The time lapse style was ok when the Danchou band was being drawn. That I can take it.

That flashing part was still mildly ok... but the art was not too bad.

Biggest peeve: K-ON! similarity.

Was that mikuru or tsumugi?

Was that haruhi or yui?

Nevermind, did I do anything other than post 3 screenshots? no.

SHnY 2009

I am going to do a hit and run here.

Becoming one of my many usual selves (or should that be "selfs"), I am going to calmly state that there were at least 3 hentai opportunities in Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, and what disappointment I had when a Google search for "bamboo leaf rhapsody hentai opportunities" led to nothing useful...
(If anyone is interested, they are: When Mikuru was asleep, both when her elder self was around and after Kyon helped chibi-loli Haruhi; then there was in Nagato's guest room.) If anyone is willing to illustrate I can try to come up with a half-assed story.

priceless comment is priceless:

“Hey do you know what is the true reason we had to wait for 3 years?”
“No clue”
“Our male lead and one of the main characters have slept for 3 years. That’s why”

Back to another of my more mild selves (damnit I'm going to stick with "selves"), Mikuru when Kyon woke her up was priceless. Head moving left and right in such a robotic manner, supplemented with the stuttering, then feeling herself for her TPDD, and finally mass murdering everyone via nosebleed with the moeblob "aiyo" (my mother actually asked if they really go "aiyo", I'm not too sure myself...) and crying.

Then comes the "travelling forward in time via freezing oneself". I've seen it a few times, but none as subtle as this. The tankazu part is quite obviously a time loop, but time loops are apparently treated as completely normal in SHnY. Not that it hurts anything, but over-reliance on them to solve the plot is not fun...

Overall, watching with the Light Novel translation as subs was really no problem, except when they were talking too quickly for me to see which line they are on. But it was easy to catch up. I did watch with subs later on, ignoring the troll subs.

The ED video gave me a headache, but not too bad. The chorus is nice, but seems familiar. Haruhi looked too much like Hirasawa Yui in the closing shot, and the other characters looked K-ON!-ish as well. Wonder what the OP will be like.

Next ep possibly in 4 weeks, after Remote Island Syndrome II. Also, I'm sure everybody noticed that Haruhi S1 was also "3 years ago", around this time...In fact, May 21 '06 was the Original air date of Remote Island Syndrome II.

21 May 2009 // For those who believed, the time has come

EDIT: I suddenly remembered this also:
There are two date-related lines in episode 2; "In the process, we reached the first day after Golden Week." and "So that makes today Wednesday." Considering "the first day after Golden Week" is May 6th that is Wednesday, the year of the story is estimated as 2009, thus "Three years before" is 2006. The anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya became a big boom in 2006, and we actually saw the "information flare" caused by Haruhi Suzumiya on the net (like this page or Youtube, for example).
Yeah, yeah, haruhi overrated. But I guess it was not shitty at least.

Ok I lied about the hit and run. But does anyone want screenshots?


Back from BSC for 2 weeks, fit in with SGLife...

3 days before my tanjoubi and I get a long overdue gift from Kadokawa/KyoAni

Watching raws with Light Novel translation is fun.

Reviving this instead of posting on s--n--s was for the lulz

Lets see if I get to do more later