
22/09/2009AD (Tue) - 27/09/2009AD (Sun) :
- Preparation of feeds to import into Google Reader
- Finish writing script to autocheck Gmail, Twitter and FB (optional)
- Organize reading materials currently in school and at home

28/09/2009 (Mon) - 04/10/2009AD (Sun) :
- Mugging commences
- Stop reading feeds, except perhaps XKCD and Gawker Priority
- Update self on FB/Twitter/Gmail 4 times a day (0630/0900h, 1400h, 1700/1900h, 2100h), max 30min per session

05/10/2009 (Mon) - 09/10/2009 (Fri) :
- Update self on FB/Twitter/Gmail once a day (2100h), sleep by 2200h

Mon - EL1, IHE (GEOG)
Tue - CL1
Wed - CHEM + H
Thu - IHC
Fri - PHYS + H

10/10/2009AD (Sat) - 11/10/2009AD (Sun) :
- Relax a little
- Mug a little
- Sleep a lot

12/10/2009AD (Mon) - 14/10/2009AD (Wed) :
- Update self on FB/Twitter/Gmail once a day (2100h), sleep by 2200h

Mon - EL2
Tue - MATH + H
Wed - CL2

15/10/2009AD (Thu)
- (If I'm up to it) Go take Bio paper
- Celebrate with the rest of non-bio people
- Spam feeds
- Resume normal operation

16/10/2009AD (Fri)
- Celebrate with the rest