
The RP (RolePlay, as in RPG that type of RP) going on at fantasia_gensokyo was keeping me busy for the past few days.

Go there if you haven't already done so lol:

My character Bio:

Name: fixedName
Age: 15 (his organic portion)
Gender: Male
Species: Integrated Data Entity Interface

Stats: 60 hp 40 mp

Environmental Interaction (Environmental Data Processing) [Level 1]
Environmental Interaction (Data Manipulation) [Level 1]

Looks like a lively, charming young lad. Not too tall or short when he stands beside other people (since he can adjust his shoes slightly anyway), he sports brown hair of colour #663300 and a fringe of which has dye so he can change the colour anytime (luckily, he only adopts HTML web-safe colours). He dislikes putting anything into his eyes, so it is of a natural black/brown combo.

Adaptive, Changing to fit crowd. He mingles around for a bit staying silent, taking in verbal and body language from everyone. Then he gets the average and outputs it. Therefore everyone would describe him differently, but most often as a "very likeable" person, and one who is easy to open your heart to (that's how he collects more data)

Attached to a living organism by the Integrated Data Entity because of a need to use its huge amounts of data more effectively than simple SQL statements. There are many others like him all around, but they rarely need to meet as there is an active database for communication (like a message board). They age less quickly compared to humans, and for them "true" ageing is simply the fragmentation of Interface data. Without proper TLC and maintenance, the organic component of the Interface may suffer from wear and tear which will make the it appear to age as quickly as humans. When the life span of the cells in the organic component are nearing their end, the Interface can request for a renewal, and it will be attached to another organic being. The record for the longest life of the organic component was 143 years.

Given the bare minimum amounts of information needed to survive, fixedName lived alone for the first few years of his life. He then moved around and started roaming "through a sudden bout of boredom", and has helped the Entity gather substantial amounts of new data, like who all the bases belong to.

Such wanderlust would certainly lead to something big. Finding the Roundtable was certainly that. Finding it interesting, he stayed there for a while, observing conflicts that happen there frequently.

Others: [TBA]

v0.1 (12/17:20:31) - Added Age, Species, Personality, Abilites and Stats
v0.2 (12/17:21:38) - Added Name, Appearence and Updated Personality
v0.3 (12/17:22:08) - Finetuning (Carillus)
v1.0 (12/18:19:20) - Updated Age, Personality, added History.
v1.1 (12/18:19:43) - Updated History, modded look

Level 1
EXP to Level 2: 100
EXP: 35

And then the follow up by a skilled RPer
Nagato Yuki type reality warping, huh. Well, what the heck.
At the first level, you can only transform small objects into other objects of similar ability/function. Low level non-contact alchemy, basically. Kitchen knives into daggers, wooden swords into metallic ones, tables into little baby cots, things like that.