Update on life

Current status: Still Alive

Well, between my last update and this, quite a lot has happened.

I am still using Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex (only now I regularly try to correct myself that it is U-bun-tu not U-ban-tu). Waiting for 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope to be past alpha and beta. And I use this for my desktop unless in corporate situations.

I got a $12 2GB thumbdrive. Not big news, but I feel like an antique now that the last time I got thumbdrives were when they were over $100. Yet again, not as antique as the time when a 15MB HDD cost USD2500. And then, I hate the issue of GiB and GB. Somehow I never trust size labels anymore, unless they are in bytes.

I played World of Goo (Demo). Linux version. Just released yesterday. Completed the demo levels (Chapter 1 out of 4) today. Listening to soundtrack now. I will buy it.

Liferea does not rock very much. But it is ok. Pidgin segmentation faults now and then. But I have LogServ and F_GBot.

Homework is surprisingly fine. Except for maybe some which is hard to figure out by myself.

Teachers are ok. Most are fun. At least for now.

Touch-typing skills improved. Now for 99.999% accuracy instead of 90%. And I need to type CSC notes more quickly.

Ranted a bit on iSpark PSG Group on Facebook.

Classroom decorated with the 3 posters (total $10) I got at some Bookfair. Class Rep also helped by adding a Haruhi one and a Death Note one, but did not help by adding a Bleach one.

Juniors this year are OK. For now.

Clannad AS roxx. Haruhi (both Season 2 and the -chan) lagging is not.

Why am I writing in such short sentences?