
It seems like I've been forced out of hibernation. Well, doing episode reviews are so donotwant and doing reviews of shows that have passed for so damn long are even more donotwant but I shall still do them anyways.

Let me start with a simple one. Jigoku Shoujo (or Hell Girl as I prefer calling it for some weird reason since I usually call by the Jap name like SHnY instead of TMHS but nevermind I'm sidetracking like shit).

Ok, basically you heard the story countless times, and after watching you would somehow get tired of it like I already am. And here I shall refer to season 1 first

Here is the stuff she says, translated and paraphrased so we don't die of boredom:
"Take this" (uketorinasai)
[Ai gives doll (Wanyuudou)]
"If you really wish to take revenge, you must pull the red string. Your target would be sent to hell immediatley." (bla bla hontou ni bla bla akai bla bla bla)
[Insert animation of person almost pulling]
"However, you make a contract with me. When a person is cursed, 2 graves are dug. You will also go to hell." (bla bla futatsu bla bla)
[Insert animation of person scared and reconsidering]
"Of course, that is after you die"
[Remove Enma Ai and present disappearence]
"The rest is up to you"

And the text on the website, "Your revenge, cleared" (anata no urami, harashimasu)

So that is pretty much what happens in almost every episode, plus minus a few lines for each case.

The template for an episode is pretty much like this:
1) Person gets bullied/wronged/etc that is caused by someone
2) (Optional) Person hears of Jigoku Tsuushin
3) Person accesses it. Optionally insert struggle process
4) The above transcript, give and take some details
5) Person uses doll (accidentally or not)
6) Revenge is taken with nice effects, method depending on what the target did.
7) Target on boat (nice boat?) with Ai, usually struggling etc
8) Ai says she will "ferry this vengance to hell"
9*) Candle appears in candlepool with Person's name, with Ai saying what is on the website.
10) Resolution, involve showing the mark on chest of Person

*Note: can sometimes be last, just before ED.

And after episode 8 comes a complication, where the Shibata family comes in.
Insert after 1): Tsugumi recieves contact
Insert after 4): Hajime tries to stop, usually not arriving in time/cannot persuade properly

Then there is Episode 13, where the past is explained. At the end of this episode we see someone who sent his friend to hell go to hell himself, but without torture.

Also, the last 3 episodes are very different. Basically its still their history in detail.

I shall not talk about the OP and ED since I have no such licence, but I must say the OP is some catchy shit and the ED is for curing insomnia.

So this is the post for the whole of Jigoku Shoujo 1. Even if I have time I may not do 2.